Here's a picture that was just cropped-

I wanted to be able to see the logo on the shirt, but he was fading fast. Again, all I did was crop the photo.

This next one is a good example of why you would want to invest in a tripod-

AACCKK!! I took five of these, and didn't realise until I saw them on the computer that four of them were crooked, like this one! Thankfully, one turned out well, and sometimes, that's all you need.

I sharpened this next one, and adjusted the color a bit.

My how dark it is! Used the light tool, and you can see on the one after this what a difference that made!

I only printed the three with titles, my mom has the frames, so we're all set. I just have to pick up the prints. Oh, and keep the little lady from spilling the beans between now and Sunday. Maybe it was a good thing I forgot until today;)
Now you see that it is possible to get good pictures in a hurry. True, I had been thinking about this for a week or so, but I threw it together in less than a half hour. The picture taking took maybe 15 minutes- I could have taken longer, but I didn't want to push my luck. There you go, Happy Father's Day and Happy Thoughts as well!