Here they are, my goals for this year. I have the specifics saved on a much longer goal sheet, but I don't want you to stop reading midway, so I'm just giving you the important stuff.
In 2010 I Will:
Etsy Store
1. List 3 new products each month
2. Comment in forums 2-3 times a week
3. Find my “niche”
4. Use Facebook, Twitter and Flickr to promote my shop
Submit finished original project to sewmamasew(dot)com and whipup(dot)net
Submit finished project/ review to patternreview(dot)com
Submit tutorials to whip up and sew mama sew
Enter sewing contests-sew mama sew
Join sew along-pattern review
Use 50% of fabric that I already have before buying more
1. Personal projects-plan to only use fabric I already have-otherwise, project can wait
2. Leeandloren projects I can buy fabric, only if I plan to sew that same day
Earn enough to buy designer fabric, home décor fabric
1. Be able to afford to buy fabric that’s $9 a yard!!! Ooohhh!!! Bliss!
Save to buy: Laptop, Office Pro, Serger, and Embroidery Machine
1. Need a Laptop and Office,
2. Would like a Serger and Embroidery machine
Happy Thoughts!
Hello world!
7 years ago