March 17, 2010

Couldn't stop at the kitchen window

After I did the kitchen window, it looked so good, I couldn't follow the plan.  The plan was to scrub cabinets and reorganise them, and that wasn't going to be as much fun as setting up the bedroom!  Again, I had thrifted all the silver pieces from Goodwill and other second hand stores, since I didn't start thrifting until mid-winter, no yard sales to buy from.  Yay for Spring and the start of yard sale season!    Some of the pieces were almost black, and cleaning them was detail work.  Totally worth it, because everything shined up beautifully.  It's not done, I want to add some things here and there, mostly pictures. 

Next I cleaned out the master bathroom.  Wow.  Not only was it poorly organised, it was crammed with junk.  I threw out a lot of broken things, and had almost as much to give to Goodwill. 

I have to say, the Apartment Therapy step of adding fresh flowers really does make big difference.  It's a small thing-I'm buying flowers from the grocery store-that makes the largest difference.  Makes me even more excited to add more lights and paint! 

Happy Thoughts!

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