E wants to be a blue fairy. A sequined blue fairy. She saw a picture of one in a catalog, and of course, I decided to make it. Duh. However, finding sky blue sequined material turned out near to impossible to find. I finally did find some, but not in my price range. On Friday we made what was supposed to be a mad dash into and out of JoAnn ETC. We just needed thread. But the sequined costume fabric was right there. So I asked E to pick a color for her fairy costume. And she choose Hot Pink. There was a remnant on the bolt that looked to be about the right length. Off to the tulle, and several yards later, we're at the cutting counter. My girl was there cutting, and she gave my part of the fabric as a remnant, she's so sweet! Then out we go, out out out! But wait, fleece is on sale, 50%. A's costume is going to be out of fleece(he's the lion). Back to the cutting counter we go! At home again, E keeps asking when I'm going to sew her Fairy costume. So, as a surprise during her nap today, I had Vera help me make this-

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